How to Prevent Baby Colic ?

Colic is common condition often leaves parents frustrated and exhausted. While colic can’t always be prevented, understanding its triggers can help manage it better. 

Understanding Colic in Babies

Colic in babies is a common issue that involves prolonged crying and distress.

It often occurs due to factors like digestive issues or sensory overload.

Differentiating colic from other medical conditions, such as food allergies or infant reflux problem, is important for effective management.

Identifying Colic and Its Symptoms

Colic is characterized by intense crying episodes that may last several hours a day, typically starting in the late afternoon or evening.

The crying is usually louder, more urgent, and can occur even when the baby is otherwise healthy and well-fed.

One notable pattern includes the “rule of threes”: crying for more than three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks or longer.

In addition to crying, babies with colic may experience body stiffness, clenched fists, and an arched back.

Distinguishing Between Colic and Medical Conditions

Distinguishing colic from other medical conditions is crucial for appropriate care. Unlike colic, conditions such as infant GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) may involve reflux symptoms like frequent vomiting. A healthcare provider can perform a physical exam and review symptoms to determine if developmental factors or other conditions might be causing discomfort.

Sensory overload is another factor that might trigger excessive crying, although it usually ends when the stimuli are reduced.

Identifying the unique aspects of these conditions helps in tailoring interventions and reducing unnecessary distress for both the baby and parents.

Strategies for Soothing a Colicky Baby

To help soothe a colicky baby, parents can use a combination of calming techniques and specific actions to ease discomfort. 

1. The Five S’s of Calming

Parents can find relief using the Five S’s method.

  1. Swaddling
  2.  Side or Stomach Position
  3. Shushing
  4. Swinging
  5. Sucking

Swaddling involves wrapping the baby snugly in a blanket, making them feel secure. When positioning, placing the baby on their side or stomach, such as in a stomach hold, can help ease discomfort.

Shushing sounds like white noise can calm a baby. These sounds mimic the constant noise they heard in the womb. A dedicated white noise machine is useful for consistent sound. Swinging the baby gently or using a swing mimics the rhythmic motion babies experience in the womb. Finally, letting the baby suck on a pacifier can be comforting, as sucking is a natural soothing mechanism.

2. Additional Comforting Techniques

Beyond the Five S’s, other techniques can be effective.

  • Giving a baby a warm bath can relax their muscles and may reduce stress.
  • Body Massages during bath time might also aid in soothing a colicky infant.
  • Parents often see relief when using Breastfeeding or providing a bottle to allow for sucking.
  • A Pacifier is another option to satisfy the need for sucking if breastfeeding isn’t needed at that moment.
  • Gentle swinging or rocking in a rocking chair can help babies settle down.
  • Tummy massage and Reflexology might be beneficial.

3. Probiotics 

Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 is known for reducing colic symptoms and improvement in gut health. 

To Read More : Should i give probiotics to my baby? 

4. Use of Partially Hydrolyzed Formula Milk

Breast milk is uniquely superior for babies, it provides many benefits.

However, we also understand not all mothers are able to breastfeed for many reasons related to individual determinants, social attitudes and/or work and employment conditions.

Hence the use of formula milk such as partially hydrolyzed formula milk can be the choice for the baby suffered from infantile colic.

To know more partially hydrolyzed formula milk, please read the articles : Brands of partially hydrolyzed formula milk.

5. Use of Medication

Some medications such as simeticone might be used by your pediatrician. The use of medication must be discussed thoroughly with your doctor.

Key Takeaways

  • Colic can’t always be prevented but understanding triggers helps manage it.
  • Parents can find relief using the Five S’s method.
  • Warm bath, body massage, tummy massage and reflexology are good ways to help in reducing colic.
  • Breastfeeding maybe helpful in calming your colic baby. Pacifier is a reasonable alternative.
  • For mother who is unable to breastfeed baby, the use of partially hydrolyzed formula is a good choice.
  • Probiotics is known to help in reducing crying time of colic baby, especially the strains of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938.

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